Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flat Bread

Pita, Naan, Flat Bread, Tortilla, etc...

I can truly take credit for this creation, because I came upon it by fortunate chance while trying to make a tortilla recipe from memory. It is everything I have ever looked for in a flat bread recipe: it is super soft and flexible and doesn't break or crack when rolled up burrito style. When made thicker is is divine served with whipped honey butter, hummus, or even with a bowl of chili.
This recipe can be used to make any of the above mentioned types of flat bread providing that you roll out your dough to the desired thickness for each type of bread. Naan, Pita and Flat breads are all thicker types of bread. The only thing that separates them is their respective traditional shapes. Naan is teardrop in shape, Flat bread is square or rectangular, and Pita is oval shaped. For Tortillas simply roll out your dough into a thin circle.
* This recipe works best with 2 people, one to roll out the dough and the other to cook them. My husband is my cooker...see if you can hook your hubby into becoming your cooker! It can be done alone...but don't let your shaped dough stack on top of each other for too long before cooking because they can stick together and they lose their coldness which starts to break down the cold shortening.

Makes 11 medium sized breads; 15 mins prep not including fridge time; takes about 10 mins to cook all 11 breads.
You will need:

2 3/4 cups all purpose flour or bread flour
2 tsps. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
2 tbsps. sugar or splenda
1/3 cup COLD shortening
2-3 cups COLD water
1 cup of additional flour for rolling out
1 cup of reserved flour for kneading
1 tbsp. vegetable oil for seasoning the pan
1 large cast iron skillet * ( this recipe cannot be made on a non-stick pan, it requires a thick pan that evenly distributes heat and seares the bread on the outside while steaming it from within )


1 In a large mixing bowl add all dry ingredients except the 1 cup of flour reserved for rolling out your dough, and mix well using a whisk.

2 Add the cold shortening and using a pastry knife, cut the shortening into the flour mix until it resembles course crumbs.

3 Add the cold water half a cup at a time while mixing it with a fork. You want to form a very sticky dough. This may take more or less of the water called for.

4 Add a little of the reserved flour for kneading, and knead the dough while alternatively adding some flour until your dough is no longer sticky to the touch and smooth and soft in texture. It should be very soft to work with.

5 Cover and place your dough in the fridge to rest for 10-15 minutes.

6 On a floured work surface break off 2 inch piece of dough and form in to a ball. With a rolling pin roll out your dough to your desired thickness and shape. Remember that this recipe has rising ingredients and it will puff up and thicken during cooking. A dough that is 1/4 of an inch thick will rise to be about 1/2-3/4 of an inch thick. The second time making this recipe will be easier to determine desired thickness. Once you have your shape, slap the dough between your hands a few times, like tossing it back and forth, to improve elasticity and to remove excess flour.

7 Prepare your cast iron skillet with your tbsp. of oil. Rub it in using a paper towel and preheat your pan to med-high heat. You are only using the oil for the first time, these breads are cooked in a dry pan, they are not fried.

8 Once your pan is preheated, lay your dough in the center of the pan and cook on each side for 25-30 seconds. It cooks very fast and you should see it puffing up. Like with pancakes your first two will look less pretty than the rest- but they will still taste good! Since every stove is different, you may need to adjust your burner to the necessary temperature. You want to sear the bread on the outside and steam it on the inside, so you need a good level of heat to do so, but without burning your bread. If you see burnt spots- black not brown, you should lower your heat a notch.

These can be served alone or with chili, in a pita salad or with burritos as suggested in pictures above.

Monday, August 23, 2010

French Cinnamon Brioches

French Cinnamon Brioche ( rolls )

These cinnamon rolls are melt in your mouth soft...you will have a hard time eating only one! I am very picky when it comes to breads and pastries. They have to be soft and fresh tasting for me to eat them, and because of my pickiness I will try recipe after recipe to find only the best and softest bread recipes. I first tasted this recipe when a friend of ours made them over 6 years ago for a potluck dinner. He had gotten the recipe from a lady in France and I asked him repeatedly for over 6 years ( he moved a year after I tasted them ) to give me the recipe, and he always said he would give it to me, but never did!lol...So, when we he was down this way for awhile last year, I again asked him for the recipe and told him how long I had been waiting for this recipe...and the night before he left he finally gave it to me!
And now without you having to wait as long as I did for this delectable pastry, I give it to you! Bon appétit!

*A small note before you begin: The original recipe given to me doesn't specify the type of flour. I used all purpose flour the first time I made this, however, I didn't think it came out soft enough. Since then I have played with different flours and talked with a professional baker about what flour ratios give different results and I tried the recipe again with Pastry flour and Bread flour ( pastry flour is for a lighter result and bread flour is high in gluten which gives more elasticity). The result was very soft and enjoyable. I encourage anyone baking breads, cakes, etc. to try using the appropriate flours to enhance your results!

*30 mins prep. not including the rising times. 15-20 mins on the oven at 350.

You will need:
3/4 cup of shortening or butter melted * ( I used margarine because I was out of shortening and I didn't want to use butter since it gives a crispier texture )
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsps. salt
2 eggs
2 pkgs. yeast ( a pkg. of yeast is equivalent to 2 1/4 tsps. I used instant yeast )
2 cups warm water
6 cups of flour ( all purpose is fine, however, I used a ratio of 4 cups of Pastry flour and 2 cups of Bread flour )

2/3 cup sugar or brown sugar ( I used brown sugar...I think I will try sugar next time, it might be sweeter )
1/4-1/3 cup cinnamon
Mix and set aside

Butter Icing
1/4 cup of melted butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp. milk
whisk together

Directions for the dough:

1 In a medium sized bowl proof your yeast by dissolving the 2 pkgs. of yeast in the 2 cups of warm water and adding a tbsp. of sugar. Let it sit for 10-15 mins. until is frothy on top.
2 While the yeast is proofing, in a large bowl, combine the melted shortening, sugar and salt. Mix well and then add the 2 eggs. If your shortening is hot make sure to whisk in the eggs quickly and continuously to avoid scrambling your eggs.
3 Add the proofed yeast mixture to the egg mixture and mix well.
4 Add the 6 cups of flour all at once and combine the wet and dry ingredients well, until a nice sticky dough forms. Despite the fact that you have added all the flour at once, I found that the dough came together rather easily. The original recipe suggested adding one cup of the yeast mixture at a time...but it doesn't combine well when you do this. It becomes clumpy. All at once worked really well and it was well combined.
5 The original recipe calls to cover the bowl with plastic wrap and to put in the fridge to rise and double in size for 4 hours or overnight, this is recommended and does make a difference, however, I needed the recipe for a dinner party and didn't have 4 hours, so I covered the bowl with a clean dish towel and left it on the stove top for 2 hours. It doubled in size just fine.
6 Once the dough has doubled in size, punch down and divide the dough in half.
7 On a floured work surface, knead the dough for a minute or two and then form into a ball. Roll out the ball of dough into a large rectangle that is about 1/4-1/2 an inch thick. Make sure that the rectangle of dough is lightly floured underneath so that when you roll it later it won't stick to the work surface. Preheat the oven to 350.
8 Using a pastry brush, brush a light layer of melted butter all over the surface of the rectangle. Sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon mixture over the entire surface of the rectangle. I like to rub it in.
9 Roll up the rectangle starting from the short end and pinch the seam shut all along the length of the roll. Turn the roll seam side down and using a knife or pastry chopper cut the roll into 1-1 1/2 inch rounds.
10 Repeat steps 7-9 with other half of dough and proceed to step 11.
11 Transfer the rounds, swirl side down into a greased cake pan or casserole dish. Leave 1/2 an inch between rounds. When they rise they should all be touching. Cover both pans with a dish towel and let rise till doubled ( about 2 hours ).
12 Bake at 350 for 13-20 mins. Mine were ready after 13-14 mins. They should be slightly golden and spring back when touched. Cool off for 20 mins and then ice while still warm.

Directions for icing:

Combine melted butter and powdered sugar until it forms a paste. Add 1 tsp. of milk at a time until you have a medium thick consistency. Taste the icing and add more powdered sugar and milk alternatively until you have a balanced taste of sugar and butter. Use all of it on the rolls...it will seep down into all of the crevices of the swirls and enhance every inch of them!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Amber's Ultimate Banana Bread

I love getting new recipes and sharing my enthusiasm for food with anyone and everyone which is why showcasing recipes from my families and friends on my food blog is perfect! I would like to introduce my cousin Amber as my guest blogger. She is responsible for my starting this food blog, and is a fabulous and avid cook too. I can't wait to try this recipe! This is a picture of her and her two little angels, Lindsey and Kya.

Amber's Kitchen

Hey there, fellow Canadians and all other readers of this blog. I would like to thank Amy for allowing me to be a guest blogger on her site. I would love to have blog of my own, but it works for me now just to contribute things when I get the time. That being said, I would also like to thank Cooks Illustrated magazine for this wonderful recipe. It is a little bit more prep time, but well worth it. Best. Banana. Bread. I. Have. Ever. Had. Enjoy!

Ultimate Banana Bread

Makes 1 9-inch loaf

1 3/4 c. (8 3/4 oz) all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
5 very ripe bananas (heavily speckled or even black)
1 stick of unsalted butter*, melted and cooled slightly
2 large eggs
3/4 packed (5 1/4 oz) light brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c. walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped (optional)
2 tsp granulated sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


Whisk flour, baking soda, and salt together in large bowl.

Place 5 bananas in microwave safe bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and cut several steam vents in plastic. Microwave on high for 5 minutes until bananas are soft and have released their liquid. Transfer bananas to fine mesh strainer and strain into medium bowl for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. (you should have 1/2 to 3/4 c liquid)

Transfer liquid to medium saucepan and cook over medium-high heat until reduced to about 1/4 cup, about 5 minutes. Transfer bananas to the medium mixing bowl you used to drain bananas and add reduced liquid. Mash bananas until fairly smooth. Add butter, eggs, brown sugar and vanilla.

Pour banana mixture into flour mixture and stir until just combined. Gently fold in walnuts if using. Pour into greased pan. Sprinkle 2 tsp of sugar evenly on top of batter.

Bake until toothpick comes out clean, 55 - 75 minutes. Cool pan on wire rack for 15 minutes. Remove loaf from pan and cool on wire rack.

* I used salted butter for this recipe.

PS. I had 9 very dark bananas sitting on my counter, so I doubled the recipe. Twice the delight. Hope you like it. Thank you again, Amy.

Chili Blanco

Jessica's Creamy White Chili
This recipe was given to me by my old high school friend from Europe, Jessica Elza Yucel...and it totally rocks! I have made white chili before, but I really like this one. The combo of cumin, chillies and sour cream really made for an excellent flavor base. I tweaked it a tiny bit...it's hard for me not to tweak recipes :) However, the recipe I will print here is the one she gave me and I will simply write what I did differently at the bottom*. A thought came to me while cooking this today...I wonder how it would taste if I substituted the cream in the recipe for coconut milk? Hmmmm. I think it would be just as good yet adding a subtle background flavor and aroma. If you try it before me...let me know what you thought about it!

You will need:

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 medium onion, chopped
1-1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cans (15-1/2 ounces each) great northern beans, rinsed and drained
1 can (14-1/2 ounces) chicken broth
2 cans (4 ounces each) chopped green chilies
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream
1/2 cup whipping cream

*2 crushed garlic cloves
1 tbsp. worcestershire sauce
a sprinkle of paprika for presentation
white cheddar cheese for topping


1 In a large saucepan saute chicken, onion and garlic powder in oil until chicken is no longer pink.
2 Add beans, broth, chilies and seasonings. Bring to a boil.
3 Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes.
4 Remove from the heat; stir in sour cream and cream. Serve immediately. Yield: 7 servings.
(Hint: For best results, do not use reduced fat sour cream or cream)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Creamy Chicken, Asparagus and Mushroom Pesto Sauce over Basmati Rice

This is such a wonderfully creamy and satisfying meal that took me less than 30 minutes to make today for lunch! I am not kidding...watch out Rachel Ray!
All of the vegetables are fresh which lends so much flavor to the sauce. And the Basmati rice is a perfect companion to this dish...however, I can see it paired nicely with fettuccine noodles too.

You will need:

5 boneless and skinless chicken thighs or 3 chicken breasts, cubed
15 Asparagus spears- thick ones, cut into 4ths. Remember to remove the woody bottoms
1 medium onion, cut into slices
1 cup each of the following sliced mushrooms: enoki, shitake and portabella ( or reg. button mushrooms)
3/4 a cup of whole cream ( 15% works too )
3-4 tbsps of pesto
2 tbsps butter
1/4 tsp. garlic powder ( or 1 crushed clove )
olive oil- to sauté with
salt and pepper- to taste
1 and 1/2 cups basmati rice cooked according to package instructions


1 In a large sauté pan on med-high sauté the salted and peppered cubes of chicken thighs or breast in a few drizzles of olive oil and 1 tbsp of butter. Add 2 tbsps of pesto half way through cooking the chicken.
2 Cook 1 and a half cups of basmati rice according to package instructions. It should be done
before the end of the meal preparation. I like to cook mine in a rice cooker.3
3 When the chicken is no longer pink add the sliced onions and quartered asparagus spears. Season with salt and pepper and garlic powder. Mix well and sauté evenly until the asparagus are tender but still crunchy.
4 Add the mushrooms, another 1-2 tbsps. of pesto, 3/4 a cup of whole cream and season with salt and pepper again. Taste to see if properly seasoned, if not adjust the seasonings.
5 Add the last tbsp of butter and let the mixture simmer and thicken over low heat.
6 Serve immediately over basmati rice.

Turkey Club Sandwich

Turkey Club on a Toasted Croissant
The perfect summer meal when it's too hot to cook! We have all had a turkey or chicken sandwich from time to time, especially after Thanksgiving! And you may have even had it on a croissant before...but did you ever think to toast your croissant halves beforehand? If you haven't tried a turkey or chicken club this way before, you are missing out. It is soooo good and a practical way to use up every last croissant that you normally would have thrown out after 2 days or so. Use them for breakfast with my copy cat Boursin recipe ( French whipped cheese with fines herbs ) or with butter and jam like normal toast...they are divine!

You will need:
1 rotisserie chicken
1-2 tomatos
lettuce of your choice
Croissants (large enough for sandwiches and as many as you need)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Some clubs use bacon too...personally I don't unless I want a BLT.


1 Slice each croissant into halves and toast until golden. Watch them so they don't burn!
2 Apply mayonnaise to each toasted croissant half and season with salt and pepper
3 Shave off slices of chicken or turkey breast from the rotisserie chicken and layer onto the croissant half
4 Top the chicken or turkey slices with 2 slices of tomato and salt and pepper again.
5 Top with lettuce, close the sandwich and slice in half if desired.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chicken Risotto

Chicken Soup Risotto Style!
Chicken Risotto. A yummy creamy ( as in texture but has no cream ) chicken, rice and veggie concoction I made one night for dinner. However, I used sushi rice instead of the typical italian arborio- but it absorbs just as much!! As for taste...think of your favorite chicken soup recipe...but risotto syle. If you use arborio rice you may need to increase liquid and cooking time...it takes a little longer to cook than sushi rice (approx. 5-10 mins..) read the instructions on your package of arborio rice to get an idea.

You will need:
    • 4 chicken breasts cubed or 6 chicken thighs, cubed
  • 2 medium sized onions, diced
  • 5 medium carrots, sliced
  • 3 celery ribs, sliced
  • 1 cup sushi rice or arborio rice, must use rice that will absorb all the liquid

  • 1 (500 g) box chicken stock
  • 3 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons concentrated chicken bouillion
  • 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/4-1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed to release the flavor and fragrance
  • salt and pepper


    1. 1 On med-high heat sauté cubes of chicken in olive oil until cooked through.
    2. 2 Add some salt and pepper to taste.
    3. 3 Add veggies, herbs, and salt again for flavor and to sweat the veggies
    4. 4 Deglaze the pan if it`s sticking, with 1/2 of water or stock. Get all the bits off the bottom -- that`s flavor!
    5. 5 Add chicken stock, water, bouillion and worchestershire sauce- incorporate well.
    6. 6 Bring to a boil and reduce heat.
    7. 7 Once the carrots are tender or even 15 mins before the carrots are done, add the rice.
    8. 8 Let boil for a minute or two, then reduce the heat and cover -- keep an eye on it and stir when needed.
    9. 9 It`s ready when the liquid has been absorbed by the rice and you have a creamy consistency -- and of course when the rice is tender!LOL.
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Rice Crispy Swirls
Doesn't hearing the combo of PB and chocolate together not make your mouth water? It is my favorite candy combo...and it is a nice twist with an old childhood friend in this recipe. Rice Crispies never looked so good. Tip: For the jelly rolling part I suggest using a silicone baking liner such as SILPAT. Nothing sticks to it and it lasts forever. I bought mine for 25$ CAD.

You will need:

  • 3/4 a cup golden corn syrup
  • 3/4 a cup smooth peanut butter (or 3/4 a cup of chunky peanut butter for added texture )
  • 3/4 a cup granulated sugar
  • 4 1/2 cups crispy rice cereal
  • 1/4 a cup butter or margarine
  • 4 tablespoons milk
  • 1/4 a cup cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 cups , powdered sugar*


  1. 1 In a medium sauce pan over medium-low heat, combine the corn syrup, peanut butter and sugar. Melt together stirring repeatedly until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is smooth and creamy. If the sugar does not completely dissolve but you feel the mixture is smooth enough you can take off of the heat.This may take 5-10 minutes.

  2. 2
    In a large mixing bowl combine the peanut butter mixture and the Rice Crispies. Work quickly to coat the cereal completely.
  3. 3 Turn out the mixture onto a large greased cookie sheet or onto a silicone baking sheet liner ( SILPAT -you can google it ).
  4. 4 At this point you can place the mixture into a 9x13 casserole dish and later cover it with the chocolate icing or you can proceed as follows for some cute swirls!
  5. 5 Work fast to spread out the mixture into a 1/2 flat rectangle -- following the contours of the cookie sheet as much as possible.
  6. 6 Cool off the mixture in the fridge or freezer for 5 mins or so ( you don't want to over cool it because you still have to roll it ).
  7. 7 While the mixture is cooling you can quickly assemble the chocolate glaze. In a small mixing bowl combine the butter and the milk. Heat up in the microwave for 1-2 mins, melting the butter. Now add the cocoa powder and mix well with a whisk to get out all the lumps. Add the powdered sugar *you may need more than the recipe calls for to obtain a nice thick glaze, add more by the tablespoon. I followed the recipe and was fine.
  8. 8 Take out the cooled off cereal mixture from the fridge and drizzle your chocolate glaze. I only needed 1/4 of the chocolate glaze and we loved the result -- but to each his own so add as much or as little as you want. But remember the more you add the more chance you have of it leaking out the sides.
  9. 9 Using your greased hands ( if you don't have a SILPAT you might want to grease your hands ) or the edges of your SILPAT, roll the cereal mixture into a log. You can compress the mixture and seal up any cracks along the way -- it is very easy to work with.
  10. 10 Refrigerate for 30 mins to an hour before slicing into swirls.