Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tartiflette au fromage Kenogami ( Dauphinoise, scalloped potatoes )

What is Tartiflette you ask? Tartiflette is a French dish from the Savoie region. It is made with potatoes, reblochon cheese ( soft brie like cheese), cream, and lardons ( fatback, salted pork etc), and it is divine ;) For most Americans this is called scalloped potatoes, it is also similar to potatoes a la  Dauphinoise.

This dish is very simple, as most classic French dishes are and goes well with side salads and freshly sliced garden tomatoes, cucumbers and even avocados.  

Note: The cheese I used in this recipe is Kenogami cheese, a soft cheese made with unpasturized milk from the northern region of Quebec where I live, however a traditional Tartiflette is made with Reblochon cheese ( pictured below), that can easily be substituted for Brie Camembert, or other soft cheeses.
Also the lardons mentioned in the recipe can be fatback ( thick fleshy bacon ), pancetta, salted pork or regular bacon.

This recipe is written in stone, feel free to improvise with smoked salmon, blue cheese, etc...make it your own! Bon apétit!

First time I have put instructions directly on my step by step pictures...I spent a couple of hours editing them, I hope they come across clearly!! Feedback is appreciated!

Before we start, here is the example of Reblochon or soft cheese ;)

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